
Posts Tagged ‘MSNBC’

To all of you who are either undecided or voting for Barry, consider this your Public Service Announcement

October 18, 2012 1 comment

Sometimes, parents try to impart wisdom to their children, based upon their life experiences.  For example, I once told my dad that I was going to be a professional wrestler when I grew up.  He looked at me and said, “Are you retarded?  You’re small, relatively uncoordinated, and cry easily.  The Ultimate Warrior craps bigger than you.”

And I’m about to right now

And then he said, “Son, get yourself a desk job.  The Macho Man will be dead in a few years from unknown causes, and you’ll have a secretary who will tell your wife that you’re in an important meeting when you’re really just in the bathroom.”  And you know what?  He was totally right.

Experience is important.  It’s what makes wise people “wise.”  Why do you think the really good wizards are always old?  It’s because they’ve presumably learned from their earlier mistakes when they accidentally turned the family dog into a dragon, which then proceeded to burn down the entire village.  One can also gain experience via someone else’s experiences.  For those of you attending public schools, this is called History (although your man-hating teacher may have changed it to “Herstory”).

Many clever phrases have been created to remind people of the importance of relying upon one’s experiences, or history in general.  We’ve all heard them, “Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.”  Or, “Insanity is doing the same thing while expecting different results.” Or, “Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it.”  All of these phrases mean the same thing: “Hey moron, you already tried that.”  My wife prefers that one.

So, here we are.  Almost four years after a majority of this country elected Barack Obama.  I can remember it now…the hope, the Greek columns, the obviously empty promises.  People bought it though.  Lots of them.  I didn’t.  I knew he came from the Chicago political machine.  I also knew what that meant.  What has Barry given us in the past four years?  Where are we?  Let’s ask MSNBC.  That’s right.  MSNBC:

All snarkiness and bias aside, what would compel anyone to vote for him again?  What has he done in the past four years to lead someone to believe the next four years are going to be better?  Barry’s “jobs bill,” that the left continues to blame the Republicans in Congress for not passing, is just a smaller stimulus.  And whether you want to claim the first stimulus created jobs or not is largely irrelevant.  We were told that borrowing $800 billion would keep unemployment below 8%.  Unemployment just dropped below 8% for the first time last month (and I’ll bet you my lunch it will be back above 8% when the numbers come out in November).  That’s failure by the Administration’s own estimatation.  Obama has no other plan.  He’s had four years.  More people are on food stamps than ever before.  More people are on welfare than ever before.  More people aren’t even looking for work than ever before.  He has failed.

And don’t let the left pull the wool over your eyes here.  “No Congressional cooperation.”  The President had a Democratic House and Senate for two years.  He had a filibuster proof majority in the Senate.  He had at least two Republican Senators who were fiscal moderates and social liberals in Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe.  Any assertion by anyone that Barry didn’t have the ability to control 100% of government policy for a significant period of time is simply lying.  The fact is, he couldn’t get his own party to go along with him much of the time.

And Barry knows he’s failed.  His party knows he’s failed.  We can see this recognition in their own words.  “We came in at a terrible time.”  “Bush.”  “Republican war against women.” “Romney was a vulture capitalist.”  “Previous Administration.”  “Romney pays too low of a tax rate.”  “Bush policies.”  “Romney doesn’t like that 47% of this country doesn’t pay income tax.”  Does any of the foregoing constitute a plan for the next four years?  Romney has a plan.  He’s repeated it incessantly (Five Points).  Some agree with his math regarding deficits; some don’t.  But at least it’s a plan that everyone agrees will lead to significant job creation.

Are social issues, that the President has virtually no control over anyway, really that important to you?  The left hopes so.  They’re even walking out the multi-cultural triple-team from Hollywood.  All they’re missing is Lucy Liu for ethnic completeness.

All I can say is “Huh?”  Is this election really going to turn on abortion?  Well, at least they didn’t parrot the nonsense about how Romney wants to take away your contraception.  Look, I could sit here and pick apart the absurdity of this ad for pages, but I won’t, because I don’t think anyone who’s undecided really cares.

And it’s not just the economy that you should be remembering as you vote.  Barry is also a serial liar.  He lied when he asserted executive privilege over Fast and Furious documents that he claims he never saw.  He lied when he said he immediately called the killing of our Americans in Libya a terrorist act.  He lied when he offered the stupid suggestion that gas prices were low during the Bush Administration because we were heading into a recession.  What, are prices high now because more people are unemployed and we’re teetering on entering into another recession?  Barry deserves to be hit in the head with a kettle everytime he has the nerve to question Romney’s honesty.

I don’t care what your opinion is regarding Barry’s demeanor.  If you like him so much, have him over for a lively game of Rummikub.

They even look a little bit like the Prez – minus the ears of course.

He’s been a terrible president though.  And it shouldn’t hurt your feelings to accept that.  As my old man said, I couldn’t be a pro wrestler.  Voting for the rich guy doesn’t mean you’re racist, or that you hate the poor, or that you want to cover lady parts with cellophane to keep them from getting involved in pre-marital shenanigans.  It just means you’ve used your, that’s right, experience.  If you do vote for Barry, however, you might just be insane.  And ScarJo still won’t know who you are.

Liberals still don’t get it

November 3, 2010 2 comments

Well, it was a long, and glorious, evening.  In case you don’t follow these things, the Republicans took control of the House by winning over 60 seats.  They also took practical control of the Senate, and continued their assault with big gubernatorial pick-ups in various states.  It was, without question, an unmitigated disaster for Obama, liberal Democrats, and especially, the “moderate” Dems who sold their souls to the far left of Nancy Pelosi.  In fact, I can’t decide what was better last night: seeing the results or hearing the pure, unadulterated anger in the voices of the MSNBC election coverage. 

Of course, last night’s results beg the question: why did it happen?  Was it because of how much we luv the Republicans?  Not really.  Was it because of Obama’s policies?  Almost certainly.  You listen to the far left progressives, however, and you quickly realize that they (still) don’t get it.

“Obama didn’t spend enough.”  “He didn’t push single-payer.”  “He didn’t forcefully propel his progressive agenda.”  “The messaging on all the great stuff he’s accomplished was lost somewhere.”  These are the things I’ve been hearing from the left.  They believe the true left will now become more galvanized without the “moderates.”  I think the Keith Olberman’s of the world will quickly come to realize, however, that what’s left of their party doesn’t agree.

Here’s what we learned last night.  Through all the dissatisfaction with the Republicans and their wars and their spending, this country is still a center-right country.  America is different than every other country in the world because we were a democracy from inception.  In other words, personal freedom, responsibility, and opportunity are our culture.  For good or bad, we don’t like big government.  We don’t even like medium government.  And we showed that last night.

The liberals see a stimulus that saved jobs.  The majority of this country sees billions of dollars being taken from the pockets of producers in the private market, some of whom are now part of the 9.5% unemployed, and given to government workers.  Like it or not, government employees work for us, and when they’re pulling down paychecks and benefits and pensions on the backs of the unemployed or underemployed, heads will roll.  Why?  Because we’re not France, and we wouldn’t even know how to be France.

Liberals see legislation that gives everybody insurance.  The majority of this country sees legislation that isn’t going to reduce the amounts they pay for medical care, but will increase their costs elsewhere, as the government will certainly need to subsidize millions of people who still can’t afford it. 

Liberals see Social Security as a safety net for the retired.  The majority sees taxes taken out of their paycheck at gunpoint, money which they, and the economy, could certainly use now, with empty promises that it will be protected for their retirement.   

This is the divide that separates America from Western Europe (and the rest of the world).  We’re willing to pay taxes for the military, police, and efficient government.  We’re even willing to pay taxes to provide for assistance to those who need it.  We’re not, however, willing to pay taxes for Michelle Obama to travel through Spain in style, or Nancy Pelosi to fly on private aircraft whenever she feels like going somewhere, or a Dept. of Justice that selectively enforces federal law, or people on welfare using their government-issued debit cards for psychic readings (I’m looking at you California).  This is especially true when many of the people paying the taxes are having a hard time putting food on the table.

Simply put, last night was a message to our representatives, both Republican and Democrat, to get their acts together.  If the remaining liberals in office don’t want to heed that call, then they may find themselves in an even smaller minority come 2012; which wouldn’t be a bad thing.